Friday, February 11, 2011

Sex, Lies and Revolution

Rep. Christopher Lee

What was he thinking? That's the question I can't help asking about him. Christopher Lee was a Republican is the House of Representatives who was forced to resign after he was the latest high price person to be marred by a sex scandal.
It was discovered that he has sent a shirtless photo of himself to a woman in a Craigslist advertisement - a woman that was not his wife. Lee is just another in a long long line of high profile individual to be caught up in in similar mess. Bill Clinton. Tiger Woods. Elliot Spitzer. The list goes on and on. When your in the public spotlight, people are always watching you. When you're in a position of power, like Lee was, they are always people looking to bring you down. So when you are sending shirtless photos of yourself over the internet, you are setting yourself up for trouble. Lee also did not do a good job covering himself up. He apparently used an email address containing his name. The question must be asked again. What was he thinking?


Yesterday was a great day if you enjoy seeing the downfall of tyrants as Hosni Mubarak stepped down as President of Egypt after a 30 year reign. Cries for revolution and fights for freedom inspire me. Mubarak's Egypt was not as oppressive as countries like Iran and China. But he was not a civil libertarian either. Despite the recent protests, free speech was not tolerated. When he rose to power, he imposed a state of emergency, one that he never lifted. Much of Egypt lives under abject poverty. The people had enough and demanded his ouster. When the military gave the protesters no resistance, Mubarak's days were numbered. As a result, the world was one less dictator.

What will happen next remains to be seen. There is justified concern over the uncertainty. Some people like Noble Peace Prize winner Mohamed ElBaradei might be the next President of Egypt. Or at least be heavily involved in the new government. ElBaradei is someone who has long advocated democracy in Egypt. Either way, this reminds me a lot of the fall of Communism in Eastern Europe. I'm hoping recent events will bring us a free Egypt.

Ray Allen

When you are the best ever at something, it takes a lot of hard work and dedication. It's not something done with talent alone. Boston Celtic star Ray Allen can not lay claim to be the best ever at something. He is now the NBA's all time greatest three point shooter. It's only fitting that he broke the record while playing against the Los Angeles. Even more fitting was that Reggie Miller, the man who previously held the record, was at the game working as a broadcaster. Congratulations to Ray Allen.

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