Friday, March 11, 2011

Tradgedy in Japan, Madness in Madison, Cluelessness in the NFL


First of all, I can't let this blog go on without mentioning the tragic turn of events in Japan. We all awoke today to news of an earthquake hitting Japan. At 8.9 magnitude, it's the fifth most powerful recorded since 1900. If that wasn't bad enough, a tsunami soon followed, devastating the Japanese coastline. It's looking more and more like this will be an horrific tragedy. As of this writing
there are estimates of a death toll over 1,000. Not to mention entire villages destroyed. I complained all winter about the snow and the cold weather. Something like this makes you think a little. I extend my thoughts and prayers to the people of Japan.

Wisconsin Republicans vs. the Unions

Contrary to what some might think, I am not a Republican. Some people think that I am. Much of it stems on my support of Scott Brown in the most recent Massachusetts U.S. Senate election. Some of it holds from my opposition of things like high taxes and Obamacare. While if given a choice, I'll vote Republican about two-thirds of a time
, I am indeed a registered independent and plan on staying that way for the foreseeable future.

There are rally things about both the far left and the far right that I'm not crazy about. One side wants to take away our guns and impose a Socialistic utopia.
The other side wants to have a police state ran by religious fundamentalists. I guess if I fall into any category politically, I am a libertarian-moderate. Maybe right of center, but not Pat Robertson right.

Which brings us the the next topic, the madness in Wisconsin. As I said before, I wouldn't want to be a governor or mayor in these times. In this bad economy, we have less tax dollars filtering to our state governments
. Which means less money for governments to spend on their programs. This filters down to the cities too. So because of the lack of money, governors and mayors have some tough and unpopular decisions to make.

Which brings us once again to Wisconsin Republican Governor Scott Walker. Facing a huge budget deficit,
Walker proposed a series of union concessions in a bill brought before the Wisconsin legislature. The one part that really got the state employee upset was a proposal to virtually end all of their union collective bargaining rights. So they were understandably upset. After much yelling and controversy, the Wisconsin Senate passed the bill.

I have my fair share of disagreements with labor unions. But they have a right to be upset with this one. I understand that Walker inherited a tough situation. I know him, and many of the other governors have some very tough decisions to make. But to violate the rights of the state employee union is where I part company. By the way, one should not be cheering when someone's rights and freedoms are violated. Down the road, you could be setting yourself up to have your rights violated. Scott Walker and the Wisconsin Republicans reminded me once again why I remain an independent.


Last and least, we'll go into the realm of the clueless, the broken off NFL labor negotiations.
Earlier there was some hope that this might get resolved. But behold, the NFL and it's player's union could not decide on how to divide a 9 billion dollar pie, Simply pathetic. Millionaires and billionaires fighting over money their fans won't make in a lifetime. I hope they come to their senses. If not, expect court cases, posturing and quite possibly, a fall without football.

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